Patients, Family, and Businesses

Patients, Family, and Businesses

Certified Diabetes Educator

Our CDE has a special interest in Diabetes Education and Management due to seeing an increased incidence of diabetes within our aging population. She believes that people living with diabetes, and their families, should have access to gain the knowledge to self-manage their condition and is devoted to offering support, teaching and initiating behavior change.

Personal Protective Equipment

We have our own brand of ASTM Level 3 medical masks to protect yourself and the community. We can also supply sterile gloves, eye shields, and an electrolyzed water generator that helps with disinfecting your home or facility.

Clinical Pharmacy

Our staff are here to provide you with one on one support. Contact us to see about transferring your medications, so we can provide you with the attentive care that you deserve.
Inquire within about your corporate health plan needs. ymm@

Medication Reviews

Medications are hard to navigate, and we want to make sure you get the one-on-one service you need. Our pharmacists can review your medications and streamline them and collaborate with your physician or health care team on how to best optimize your health.

Free Delivery

We offer same day or next day delivery of your medications, health and beauty supplies, personal protective equipment, and our naturally sourced water.

Annual Services

We offer annual services to change your filters with our water filtration units and air purifiers for wellness healing. Book today with our expert technicians.

Help to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is not easy but we are here to help.  We will work with you to succeed in your goal by implementing an individualized action plan: from providing educational resources to helping you choose products designed to ease your transition and manage your cravings. yYoung is a judgement free all inclusive space. We are here to help you work through your challenges and support you in any of your health related endeavors. 

OAT & Naloxone

Our pharmacists work with clinical counsellors and other health care allies to ensure safe and effective monitoring of OAT use. They will also provide training to you and your family members. 


Using the myDNA testing kit, our pharmacists can help you understand how your genetics play a vital role in processing certain medications, which in turn helps reduce the risk of side effects.

Hi, How Can We Help You?